EU Type Examination Certificates According to ATEX

Here you can find our EU Type Examination Certificates according to ATEX, previous Ex- or PTB-certificates, that confirm the correspondence of the designated products with the respective standards. With this, the products are certified by an approved inspection authority for the application in potentially explosive areas.

IECEx IBE 18.0006 X / IBExU 18 ATEX 1060 X 2

Model:   Electrical Temperature Measuring Instruments
Note:      resistance thermometers

DEKRA ATEX 0197 / IECEx DEK 11.0074

Model: Pressure Gauges and Thermometers with Limit Switch Control (LSC)
Note:    inductive limit switch assembly 
             standard version NCS 63 - 160 (2½" - 6")
             safety version NCS 63 - 160 (2½" - 6")
             (gas- / dust-ex)

KEMA 02 ATEX 1090 X

Model:  ...-...-Y1-.../...
Note:     inductive limit switch assembly 
               standard version and safety version
               (SN, S1N)
               NCS 160 (dust-ex)

PTB 99 ATEX 2219 X

Model: SJ*N
Note:    inductive limit switch assembly
             standard version 
             (gas- / dust-ex)
             NCS 160 (data sheet 9200)

PTB 00 ATEX 2049 X

Model: SJ*SN
Note:    Inductive limit switch assembly
             safety version (SN)
             all available NCS
Model: SJ*S1N
Note:    Inductive limit switch assembly 
             safety version (S1N)
             contrary direction of action
             all available NCS

ZELM 03 ATEX 0128 X

Model: SJ*
Note:    Inductive limit switch assembly 
             standard version and safety version (SN, S1N)
             NCS 160
             (dust-ex, data sheet 9200)

PTB 00 ATEX 2081

Model: KFA 6-SR 2-Ex 1 W
Note:    230 VAC-version
             item no. Z-129004 (T09-000-018)
Model: KFA 6-SR 2-Ex 2 W
Note:    230 VAC-version
              item no. Z-129005 (T09-000-019)

PTB 00 ATEX 2080

Model: KFD 2-SR 2-Ex 1 W
Note:    24 VDC-version
Model: KFD 2-SR 2-Ex 2 W
Note:    24 VDC-version 

PTB 00 ATEX 2043

Model: KHA 6-SH Ex. 1
Note:    for safety switching            

BAS 00 ATEX 7164 X

Model: KFD 2-CR 2-Ex.1.20200
Note:    item no. 129008
             (for PTMEx)